Disclaimer: None of this is true. The rest is.
The Results
Well done all!
It was a pleasure to see what you guys could do with that samplepack, and the results were impressive, particularly those from zabutron, ganja and viz. If didn't participate, grab the votepack & check the tracks out.

Note that Densegoo had to leave before voting so he had more potential points, hence the percentages.
    7th DenseGoo - Nonebon!: 03-02-01-01-00-02-02 -- 11 out of 36: 31%
    6th sensei - Walltreads: 00-01-02-03-00-01-03 -- 10 out of 30: 33%
    5th georg - wrong bong : 02-03-00-02-00-03-01 -- 11 out of 30: 37%
    4th zabutron - ..cakes?: 04-04-03-00-00-04-04 -- 19 out of 30: 63%
    3rd viz - ....boobi... : 01-06-04-04-00-00-06 -- 21 out of 30: 70%
    2nd ganja-picking..nose: 05-00-06-05-00-05-05 -- 26 out of 30: 87%
    1st rewbs-universalVals: 06-05-05-06-00-06-00 -- 28 out of 30: 93%
Thanks to all who participated, and see you at MPohc4!
The Votepack has landed!
The votepack is here!
Where & When?
The password-zipped samplepack is here [.it] ! Or here [.xm]!
The password is m-pohc ! Go go go!! :)

The Third ModPlug OHC will take place on:  

I think your time zone is GMT so for you, this is:
If that looks wrong, work it out using this page.

To participate, join the IRC channel #modplug on efnet a bit before the beginning of the compo.
The Rules
The rules are pretty standard:

1. You will have one hour to make a song with a set samplepack.
2. No new samples can be added.
3. The following operations may be performed on the samples:
       . cut, copy, paste (from other samples in the pack only), silence
       . amplitude change
       . reverse
       . up/down sampling
4. The sample and instrument settings (loops, envelopes etc...) may be changed at will.
5. You can copy samples so as to have several modified versions of the same sample.
6. You can create multiple instruments that point to the same sample.
7. You are not required to use all the samples.
8. You can track in any prog, as long as you're happy with the way the song plays in MPT - .it or .xm format recommended.
9. The compo is anonymous - the song must not carry any explicit sign of your identity.
10. Standard Dx Media Objects (that come with DirectX and are directly available in MPT) are allowed.
11. VST effects or VST instruments are forbidden.
12. You must listen to the votepack with Modplug Tracker.

You are encouraged to:
       . Use MPT's cleanup feature to remove unused samples before submitting your tracks.
       . Use the latest MPT on SourceForge (Modplug Tracker Wild 001, from 27/02/2004), at least to listen to the votepack.

  You can get your song to me:
    . via DCC
    . via MSN messenger (I am rf99@doc.ic.ac.uk)
    . by sending me a link
    . as a last resort, by uploading to my ftp site using the form below.

  Once I've got all the entries, I'll send out a votepack.
  Once you've listened to all the tracks, send me your list from best to worst, excluding your own track.
  When I've managed to count stuff up, results will be announced on IRC and posted here, along with votes.

Compo's over - no more uploads. $our_file_name.
Size is: $our_file_size bytes."; } else { echo "
\n"; echo ""; echo "

File to Upload:
"; echo "

"; echo "

"; echo "
"; }*/?>